Businesses within KittiWANA Group
Products from good quality eucalyptus trees generate income to the community.
Other Services chain inside within the KITTIWANA Group

Industrial Estate
Apex Green Industrial Estate has facilities and utilities which are fully equipped in the area approximately about 2,200 plantations that support for future industry and it helped to generate income for local residents.

Real Estate
For who want to live next to the main road with full facilities. We provided residential type services, the apartment at Bang Wua Sub-district, Bang Pakong District, Chachoengsao Province; 3 buildings, 231 units since 2019.

Gas Station
Esso gas station at Km. 40, Bang Wua Sub-District, Bangpakong District
Esso gas station at Km. 124 at Khao Hin Son.

Warehouse Rental Service
Warehouse rental service has an area about 44,000 sq.m. including a standard concrete landscape which can support 3 tons/sq.m. located nearby Rojana Industrial Estate and nearby the Estate 304.

Heavy machinery service
Besides providing the commercial economic wood gardens (All-in-one), we also offerred services of backhoe and tractors for make the area ready to plant eucalyptus and other trees. Moreover, there is a maintenance garage for transportation and contracting work.

About Kitti Group