Our Products
Products from high quality eucalyptus trees bring income for the community.
Products from economic forest
We have wood at all sites according to market requirement.

Wood Chip
Chopped wood without bark work. There is weave machinery, production of chopped wood, peeled. That can produce up to 1,230 tons of chopped wood/ 36,900 tons per day or more than 442,800 tons per year to provide enough per year. Exporting to customers to produce pulp, and export abroad are also offered.

Woodchip with Bark
Chopped woodwork with shell / There is a machine for the wood chopping production (line, peeling). That can be produced chopped pieces of wood, peeled up to a maximum 285 ton/day/ 8,550 ton/month or more/ 102,600 ton/year in order to be sufficient for being applied. Hard fiberboard, High density Fiberboard, Gypsum Fiberboard, Spread Outwood Compressed Cement and Fuel are also offered.

The bark of The Cape of Woodchip Factory is obtained through the peeling of the wood of eucalyptus logs in order to sort logs and bark. The bark is imported into stock with up to 270 tons/day, and brought in warehouse 8,100 tons/month and 97,200 tons/year for using fuel combustion in a power plant.
Products from economic forest
We have wood at all sites according to market requirement.
Wood Chip
Chopped wood without bark work. There is weave machinery, production of chopped wood, peeled. That can produce up to 1,230 tons of chopped wood/ 36,900 tons per day or more than 442,800 tons per year to provide enough per year. Exporting to customers to produce pulp, and export abroad are also offered.

Woodchip with Bark
Chopped woodwork with shell / There is a machine for the wood chopping production (line, peeling). That can be produced chopped pieces of wood, peeled up to a maximum 285 ton/day/ 8,550 ton/month or more/ 102,600 ton/year in order to be sufficient for being applied. Hard fiberboard, High density Fiberboard, Gypsum Fiberboard, Spread Outwood Compressed Cement and Fuel are also offered.

The bark of The Cape of Woodchip Factory is obtained through the peeling of the wood of eucalyptus logs in order to sort logs and bark. The bark is imported into stock with up to 270 tons/day, and brought in warehouse 8,100 tons/month and 97,200 tons/year for using fuel combustion in a power plant.

Wood Logs
The tree grows to its size or more than 3 years old and diameter about 2.5-inch, length 2 - 2.5 meters/piece.

Post Wood
Straight and diameter about 2 - 2.5 inches, length between 3 - 6 meters or as specified.

Supporting Wood Logs
Wood diameter about 2 - 2.7 inches (measured at base), length 3.0 - 3.1 meters. Crooked wood and bended wood wouldn’t mix more than 10%.

Wood diameter about 4 - 6 inches, length from 1.28 - 1.30 meters or as required. Logging requires straight-face cutting. Both sides grow cones and ends wouldn’t apart up to 2 inches. The stem must be straight and round. It wouldn’t be like a durian section and it shouldn’t have crooks, bends, or eyes slitting branches.

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